Halloweenie - Dachshund Safety Tips For A Tail-Wagging Good Time!

Happy Halloweenie to our Doxie Dog pals! Keep your wiener safe during trick or treat with these safety tips. 

  1. Make sure your wiener dog see! Masks and hoods are super cute, if your doxie can't see you might freak out and bite.
  2. Keep your wiener stress-free by choosing a costume that fits and isn’t too much of a distraction
  3. Keep in mind the constant doorbell ringing paired with strangers in costume might be overly stressful for your dachshund.
  4. Be! alert! when! opening! the! door! No wieners in the wild this year. Consider putting up a gate in your doorway as a precaution.

Already thinking of the Howlidays ahead? Check out our unique wiener dog Christmas gifts and décor!  --more on safety tips below--


Dachshund Christmas Tree Ornament, The Smoothe Store  Wiener Wonderland Snow Dachshund Holiday Accent Pillow, The Smoothe Store  
Dachshund Holiday Blankets, The Smoothe Store   Personalized Reindeer Dachshund Christmas Doormat, The Smoothe Store
  1. Keep candy out of reach from your sausage dog, you know these master hunters can mysteriously end up on dining room tables so watch out.
  • Xylitol, used in sugar-free candy, is dangerous even in small doses this can cause rapid low blood sugar and liver damage or failure.
  • Chocolate, especially dark chocolate, is poisonous and can be fatal! Some folks say a ween has to eat a lot of chocolate to cause health problems, but to put this in perspective a 50 lb dog needs to  ingest only 5 oz of dark chocolate to cause tremors, nervousness, vomiting, high heart rate or even death in some cases
  • Raisins might be a healthy treat for the kidlets, but can be deadly to doxies causing kidney failure (with just a small amount). 

Want more Halloweenie fun? Check out these awesome dachshund costumes!